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Why Should I Get a Breast Augmentation?
Confidence Through Self-Image
A woman has many things on her mind to ensure her life is a happy one. But when it comes down to it, all true happiness first starts with feeling good about yourself. And in a lot of cases this does mean feeling good about your appearance.
The most obvious aspect to a woman’s appearance can be her breasts and how they look. Are they small? Are they too big? Are they sagging? What do people think my breasts look like? Can I do anything to make them look better? These do all have answers.
Let's start by going over how a breast gets its shape. A breast consists of milk ducts and glands that are surrounded by fatty tissue providing its shape and feel. The chest muscle is located beneath the breast. There are many factors that can determine size and elasticity. These can range from genes to weight to gravity’s ability to pull down on the body.
A woman’s motive for choosing to get breast augmentation is as diverse as the women who get them. In the end, it really does all come back to a woman wanting to look and feel their best. There are plenty of women that get breast implants when they turn 18, there are many more that choose to get it done when they are in college and there are many women that choose to do it later in life.
Over a woman's life, one could have tried push-up bras, padded bras, no bra, sports bras, but had no success at feeling good about their breasts because there was no real cleavage or mass to push them into other contortions. They usually remained high and perky without a lot of volume.
It really all comes back to the main reason a woman is going to get a breast augmentation: is she happy or unhappy with what she was endowed with? Breast implants can increase confidence for those women seeking to feel better about their breast size and bodies. This added confidence can lead to a happier life and can positively impact a woman's self-esteem. Dr. Brenner is a top Beverly Hills breast surgeon and has performed countless breast augmentation surgeries with great success.
Schedule a consultation with Dr. Brenner to learn more about the breast augmentation procedure.

View GalleryThe Arrival Of The IDEAL IMPLANT®
After years of research and testing, as well as consulting many women and plastic surgeons, we have accomplished a design of a saline-filled breast implant, now known as the IDEAL IMPLANT®.
- Recently approved by the FDA
- Lowered edges, allowing it to contour better to the best wall
- Designed to combine the best of both saline and silicone implants
- The natural result of silicone with the safety of saline