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Teenage Breast Reduction: Macromastia

View GalleryTeenage Breast Reduction Surgery
As a girl becoming a teenager, you usually have many concerns over what is or will be happening to your body. However, having too large of breasts is not something most teenage girls are worrying about. But actually this condition can happen and be quite the liability for the teen. This condition described as having too large of breasts is usually known as “macromastia.”
This condition can be a benefit for some, but a burden of physical and emotional discomfort for others. Some teens have such discomfort from overly large breasts that they seek medical attention to remedy the condition. One procedure that has shown to have great benefit is a breast reduction surgery.
Teen Breast Reduction: When Is It Needed?
One might ask the question, “Should an adolescent girl go under the knife to get a surgery to handle this condition or could there be a benefit from waiting until they are older?” This is a valid question and there are actually many reasons adolescent girls seek to have breast reduction surgery. They can complain of neck and shoulder pain, low self-esteem, undesired attention and difficulty finding clothes that fit them. Of course, there are also teens with large breasts that are completely happy. It is a matter of evaluating the physical condition and emotional impact on the girl.
You can not just make a diagnosis of macromastia based on looking at a girl. A short girl wearing a Double D bra may be completely uncomfortable and a taller girl may feel totally fine with that size.
Another complication is that most female teens feel awkward visiting a doctor to talk over this problem. There is another factor in this situation and that is that two-thirds of teens with macromastia are overweight and even if they lose weight it normally doesn't resolve the problem of their breasts being too large.
Teenage Breast Reduction Benefits
There have been studies that suggest macromastia has a negative impact on a teenager’s quality of life and self-esteem. So one would think that allowing a girl to undergo the breast reduction procedure in their adolescence would be quite beneficial. The reality is that if you wait for about 3-4 years, the breasts may grow slightly but not enough to necessitate that you have to wait to get the procedure until this growth has taken place.
If you are a teen or parent of a teen with this condition, you should explore your options and get more information on this condition. Dr. Kevin Brenner is a highly competent plastic surgeon who has performed countless breast enhancement and breast reduction surgeries in Beverly Hills.
He is a double-board certified surgeon at the top of his field. He has proven himself in delivering the finest teenage breast reduction in Beverly Hills.
Learn more about Dr. Brenner's breast reduction procedures
Breast Reduction
Breast reduction surgically reduces the size of overly large breasts, helping minimize the accompanying issues.
Breast Reduction & Weight Loss
Wondering whether to do breast reduction or weight loss surgery first? Find out the best order for these procedures.