Are you experiencing a gradual hardening of your breast implants? Have your breasts shifted position after breast augmentation surgery? If this is the case, or if you are concerned that this may happen to you following your breast surgery, you are fortunate to have found one of the few Beverly Hills capsular contracture surgeons who have the advanced surgical skill necessary to repair this problem, or prevent it when doing original breast augmentation surgery.
When breast implants (or any foreign object, such as a pacemaker or an artificial joint) are placed into the body, the body encapsulates it in a fibrous tissue lining. Many surgeons refer to this lining as the capsule, tissue capsule, or scar capsule, although it is not exactly the same as scar tissue. This is the body’s natural healing response after breast implant surgery and is to be expected.
Capsular contracture, the most common complication of breast augmentation surgery, can happen at any time, but is more common in the first months after surgery. In the initial operation, a pocket is created for the implant underneath the breast. During the natural healing process a capsule forms, which is comprised of fibrous tissue.
As the healing process continues during the first year, the scar tissue within the breast and around the implant will remodel and sometimes shrink. Under normal conditions the pocket remains open, allowing the implant to look and feel natural. However, some patients have an exaggerated healing response causing the web of fibrous material in the capsule to tighten, and squeeze the implant. This may cause the breast to feel hard, and to appear distorted. In severe cases of capsular contracture, the breast may become painful and can take on a “ball-like” appearance. Dr. Brenner provides capsular contracture treatment in Beverly Hills to help women experiencing these issues.
View GalleryThe arrival of the IDEAL IMPLANT®
After years of research and testing, as well as consulting many women and plastic surgeons, we have accomplished a design of a saline-filled breast implant, now known as the IDEAL IMPLANT®.
- Recently approved by the FDA
- Lowered edges, allowing it to contour better to the best wall
- Designed to combine the best of both saline and silicone implants
- The natural result of silicone with the safety of saline
Capsular Contracture Treatment
Beverly Hills breast surgeon, Dr. Brenner, has performed thousands of capsular contracture repair surgeries and has identified the advanced techniques that are most successful in correcting this problem. He will discuss all of your options for capsular contracture treatment during your pre-operative consultations so that you are fully informed of the success rates and probable outcome of your particular surgical procedure.
His primary technique is called an open capsulectomy, in which he goes into the pocket and removes the scar capsule to release the capsule’s hold on the implant. Once the natural capsule is removed, your body will form a new capsule around the breast implant.
For women who have developed capsular contracture on implants placed above the muscle, Dr. Brenner will use this procedure simultaneously with implant pocket relocation under the muscle.
Dr. Kevin Brenner is a top Beverly Hills breast revision surgeon who has performed countless successful capsular contracture repair surgeries. His many grateful patients and the superior results he achieves have earned him the respect of his peers and a reputation that he is the ‘go-to’ surgeon for capsular contracture treatment in Beverly Hills.
Acellular dermal matrices in Capsular Contracture Treatment
Capsular contracture occurs when the natural tissue around a breast implant hardens. When it is severe, capsular contracture can cause a rock-like, distorted appearance in the breasts. With each breast augmentation and breast reconstruction procedure using implants, there is an inherent risk of capsular contracture. In the past, capsular contracture has been a struggle for cosmetic surgeons to handle, following both cosmetic surgery and reconstructive procedures following a mastectomy. To correct this condition only the most experienced and highly trained breast revision surgeons can obtain consistently good results.

With the increased incidence of capsular contracture, another development that has been developed to handle this problem is the use of cellular dermal matrices (ADMs), such as Alloderm or Strattice. ADM is a natural collagen product obtained from human skin that the body will more readily accept. Through recent testing, ADMs have had successful results in reducing the risk of capsular contracture. This includes recurring capsular contracture that may develop following successive breast revision surgery.
This product can be used for capsular contracture treatment or the repair of other defects following breast surgery, including rippling or malposition of implants.
This technique uses ADMs to create an internal bra at the breast implant site which can help the natural healing processes of the body. Accepting the implant and later creating collagen to more securely anchor the implant where it needs to be located is the prime goal of using ADMs. The placement of ADMs is a surgical technique that few have mastered to a sufficiently high level to ensure success. Dr. Brenner prides himself in mastering these new techniques and has a host of grateful and relieved patients praising his skill after their capsular contracture treatment at his Beverly Hills facility.
Asthma Medication and Capsular Contracture
In addition to ADMs, asthma medications have proven partially successful in capsular contracture treatment. Unfortunately it is only useful in about 40-60% of patients, and is considered to be off-label usage. This means that the asthma medication is being prescribed to treat a condition that it was not intended for.
In 1996 the FDA approved the use of Zafirlukast (Accolate; AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals, Wilmington, DE), a treatment for asthma sufferers.
A few select patients who were prescribed Zafilukast for the management of their asthma symptoms noted that they also experienced improvement in the thickness and texture of their hypertrophic scars. These are a particular type of scar that is raised, sometimes itchy and caused by excess collagen production. Zafilukast was then given to a patient with a Baker Grade 3 capsular contracture (very severe contracture of the implant) following breast augmentation surgery. This particular patient experienced a softening and improvement of the severity of her capsular contracture.
The Beverly Hills specialist in capsular contracture treatment
If you are suffering from capsular contracture in Los Angeles call Dr. Brenner for a consultation. With his years of experience and superior results, Dr. Brenner has earned a reputation for providing some of the best capsular contracture treatment in Beverly Hills.
Learn More About Dr. Brenner's Breast Condition Treatments
Tuberous Breast
Dr. Brenner performs tuberous breast correction to help patients who suffer from tuberous breasts.
Breast Reconstruction
Dr. Brenner’s skill in performing cosmetic breast procedures stems from his extensive training in breast reconstruction.
Male Breast Reduction
Gynecomastia is the abnormal development of breast tissue in men resulting in breast enlargement.
Learn More About Dr. Brenner
- Renowned Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon
- Board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon
- Board-certified general surgeon